Armageddon = Harmagedon
Covenant of Circumcision = Brit Milah
Dietary Laws = Kashrut
Gospel = Besorah
New Covenant (New Testament) = Brit Chadashah
God = G-d
Holy Spirit = Ruach HaKodesh
HaShem = “The Name” in place for YAHWEH
Jehovah = Yahweh
Jesus = Yeshua
Jesus Christ = Yeshua Hamashiach
John the Baptist = Yochanan the Immerser
Law of Moses = Torah
Men’s head covering = Kippah
Messiah = Mashiach
Millennium = Messianic era
Paul = Shaul
Prayer Shaul = Tallit
Old Testament = Tanakh
Torah Observant = Adhering to the law of Moses (not for salvation)