God said, "This is now!" Yes, it is right now!
神说, "这就是现在!" 是的,这就是现在!
要以图表形式查看以西结书第 36 章中有关以色列的所有实时预言及其解释,请访问本网站的“Prophecy“页面。
Are things ever happening in Israel! The Jews are returning to Israel (Ezekiel 36:24), and the Jews are getting saved (Ezekiel 36:25-26) to get set up to begin to fulfill their ministry to be a light to the nations (Isaiah 49:6; Acts 13:47). The original Israel of God (Galatians 6:16) is forming right now, the only one that will come with a written record (Ezekiel 36-39). In my vision, I saw at least two Israel’s of God.
在以色列发生何等的大事!犹太人正在返回以色列(结 36:24),犹太人正在得救(结 36:25-26),准备开始履行他们的使命,成为万国之光(赛 49:6;徒 13:47)。最初的上帝以色列(加 6:16)正在形成,这是唯一一个有书面记录的以色列(结 36-39)。在我的异象中,我看到了至少两个上帝的以色列。
Since the Jews are waking up to who the Messiah, Jesus, is, they are wondering where Christianity, a strand of the Jesus religion with the Jews absent, has come from. What happened was the gospel of Jesus Christ was separated from the Israeli domain in order to show what the gospel is, and what it can do. It is easy to think that in order to get saved, you have to go through “us,” a concept that numerous Christian denominations are guilty of, and now some Messianics are teaching this. To get to God, you have to go through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The ministry that the Jews have in front of them concerns them getting saved (Ezekiel 36:25-26), then teach the nations regarding the ways of the Jews (Jeremiah 12:16; Galatians 2:14; Revelation 2:9; 3:9). Nations that do not follow will get get destroyed (Jeremiah 12:17), including those Arab nations that have treated the Jews so despicably (Isaiah 60:12; Ezekiel 28:24). Commandments written on the heart of man (Romans 2:14), even on the hearts of unsaved Gentiles, are different than the commandments that pertain to living as a Jew, which need to be taught (Jeremiah 12:16). The world, in some cases Christianity, is unfamiliar with the concept that if you do A, B will happen to you, especially as it pertains to God moving as opposed to a seen governing authority moving to punish. In this scenario, A refers to sin, any sin, and B pertains, not to the long arm of the law, but God himself, who will move on behalf of Israel and the Jews (Isaiah 60:12; Jeremiah 2:17).
犹太人面临的使命是让他们得救(结 36:25-26),然后教导各国犹太人的行事方式(耶 12:16;加 2:14;启 2:9;3:9)。不跟随的国家将被毁灭(耶 12:17),包括那些如此卑鄙地对待犹太人的阿拉伯国家(赛 60:12;结 28:24)。写在人心上的诫命(罗 2:14),甚至写在未得救的外邦人心上的诫命,与关于作为犹太人生活的诫命不同,后者需要被教导(耶 12:16)。世界,在某些情况下是基督教,不熟悉这样的概念:如果你做 A,B 就会发生在你身上,尤其是当它涉及上帝的行动,而不是可见的统治当局的行动来惩罚时。在这种情况下,A 指的是罪孽,任何罪孽,而 B 并不属于法律的长臂,而是上帝本人,他将代表以色列和犹太人采取行动(赛 60:12;耶 2:17)。
Moreover, there’s far more time in front of us than what was previously thought. In the Apocalypse, in the sixth seal, John sees tens of millions upon tens of millions of years as he hovered above the earth (Revelation 6:14), watching the continents move in high speed, and than he saw the earth hosting a Pangaea in the seventh bowl (Revelation 16:20), meaning at the very least, he would have seen life on earth 250 million years from now. (My vision takes us up to the 170 million year mark.) Through all of this, Israel will survive continuously (Jeremiah 31:35-36), meaning there’s no need to worry that the belligerent Muslims nations in the 21st century will wipe Israel off the map. On the contrary, millions upon millions of Gentile nations will come and go into perpetuity (Deuteronomy 32:8), with a clear full end coming to all the nations where the Jews ended up in the Diaspora (Jeremiah 46:28), including the Arab nations that have treated Israel so despicably (Isaiah 60:14).
此外,我们面前还有比之前想象的更多的时间。在《启示录》的第六印中,约翰在地球上空盘旋时看到了数千万年(启 6:14),看着各大洲高速移动,然后他看到地球在第七碗中容纳了盘古大陆(启 16:20),这意味着至少,他会看到 2.5 亿年后地球上的生命。(我的愿景将我们带到了 1.7 亿年。)经历了这一切,以色列将继续生存(耶 31:35-36),这意味着无需担心 21 世纪好战的穆斯林国家会将以色列从地图上抹去。相反,数以百万计的外邦国家将永远来来去去(《申命记》第 32 章第 8 节),犹太人流散到的所有国家都将彻底灭亡(耶 46:28),包括那些如此卑鄙地对待以色列的阿拉伯国家(赛 60:14)。
In my vision, Israel had long become the dominant nation across the globe. As Israel went, so went the world. When the Jews were not leading, the Gentiles went their own way. Gentiles left to themselves do not carry a Jewish mindset. The ministry to be the light to the nations has been given to the Jew, which he alone will carry out.
Obviously, there’s going to be a transition not only for the body of Christ, but the whole world. Truth be known, it’s not clear when Israel will start issuing proclamations that span the globe (Zechariah 14:16-18). It would be far more feasible for the transition to begin in Christianity. For New Israel to be taught to the Gentiles, the Messianic movement needs to be named, Messianic proper, Messianic suspect and particularly Messianic heresy.
显然,不仅基督的身体,整个世界都将经历转变。说实话,尚不清楚以色列何时会开始发布覆盖全球的宣言(亚 14:16-18)。如果转变从基督教开始,那就更加可行。为了让外邦人了解新以色列,需要命名弥赛亚运动、弥赛亚正统派、弥赛亚嫌疑派,尤其是弥赛亚异端。
Regarding a few things on my testimony, in the spring of 1991, God told me I would have a prophetic ministry in the Latter Years (Ezekiel 38:8, 16) that would pertain to a delayed return of our Lord (Matthew 24:48-51). Then in the fall of 1991, the Ezekiel 36 ministry was promised to me when the Holy Spirit said, “This is now!” He even told me that I would understand Ezekiel 36 in 2011, which took place. Within weeks of understanding Ezekiel 36 on a May evening in 2011, I would have my vision, which is needed to speak on Ezekiel 36. The vision is dependent on Ezekiel 36, and Ezekiel 36 is dependent on the vision. God does not give a long-distance prophecy without coupling it with something in the present. In my case, the long-distance prophecy is my vision, and the short-distance element is Ezekiel 36.
关于我见证的几件事,1991 年春天,上帝告诉我,在末世我将有一个先知事工(结 38:8, 16),这将与我们的主延迟回归有关(太 24:48-51)。然后在 1991 年秋天,当圣灵说“这就是现在!”时,以西结书 36 章的事工应许给我。他甚至告诉我,我将在 2011 年理解以西结书 36 章,而这确实发生了。在 2011 年 5 月的一个晚上,在理解以西结书 36 章的几周内,我就会有了我的异象,这是谈论以西结书 36 章所需要的。异象依赖于以西结书 36 章,以西结书 36 章依赖于异象。上帝不会在不将远距离预言与现在的某些事情结合起来的情况下给出预言。对我来说,长距离预言是我的愿景,短距离元素是以西结书第 36 章。